A bit about Stephanie

Stephanie is a US Army Veteran who served overseas in Operation Iraqi Freedom. She completed the Criminal Justice training program and graduated Magna Cum Laude with an AS in Business Management from Northwest Florida State College. Stephanie came from a challenging environment and spent many years lost in her circumstances. Stephanie grew up in a home where drugs and chaos were normal. Unfortunately, she followed the life she learned and fell into addiction at a very young age, she dropped out of high school in the 9th grade and pursued a life of drugs and promiscuity for many years.
At 30, everything changed when she came to know and began to trust in Jesus as her savior. Stephanie has dedicated her life to helping others find the freedom that she has found in Jesus Christ! She is now the founder of a Non-Profit assisting people in finding recovery in Christ. She shares her testimony every chance she gets and serves as a state rep for Celebrate Recovery Inside Jails and Prisons and the Broken Chains JC POC for NWFL. She also serves as President of the Okaloosa County Anti-Drug Coalition.
She served in the corporate world as a Key Account Developer for Coca-Cola UNITED for over a decade but recently left to begin full-time ministry as the Recovery Minister at Crosspoint in Niceville. Stephanie is married, is a spiritual mother, and has four dogs and a cat.

Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses- 1 Timothy 6:12


Vet Church Pod Cast | December 2022
A story of redemption through Jesus!
Stephanie Wedel, her mother, brother and father are all living lives redeemed by Jesus Christ using the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. You can read their stories here pages 50-53.